What is performance marketing?

What is performance marketing?

Ever paid a lot of money upfront to marketing experts, swallowed hard, and hoped for the best?

And your hopes were blown away like fairy dust in a wind tunnel?

No sales.

Then cash flow problems.

It seemed like a good plan until it didn't work.

What you really, really want.

All you really want is sales…and clients.

And then more sales.




A partner with a different plan.

We have a different plan than most marketing firms.

We don't work on a retainer, we work as a revenue share investor partner.

People ask why.

Entering a retainer relationship immediately puts our respective incentives out of alignment.

You want more from us at a controlled, efficient cost.

But we want to maximize our revenue through additional clients which may mean that we lose focus on you.

In short, we operate separately and in our respective best interests.

The alternative is we work together to grow your revenue stream—each of us rewarded for our efforts.

We want to be investor partners with you and work together.

We invest in you (through marketing) and we grow the pie together. You get a bigger pie and we get a bigger piece of your pie.

A turnkey process that we fund, staff, and operate.

You sit back and operate your business.

We only eat after you eat.

That's our plan.

If you're down with the plan, contact us, and let's explore.

About the author

Our Chief Boffo combines 35+ years of experience in software engineering, real estate investing, and entrepreneurship.

Bill brings expertise in marketing, automation, and team-building together to create great client-partner outcomes.